Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Brittany Spears, Its Time To Fight For Your Life

I have watched the events unfold the last few months about Brittany Spears and her battle with her ex husband for custody of her children. I have watched as the media portray Brittany as a superstar gone bad and the relentless assault on her character and ability to be a good mom. I have watched as people in her life betray her at every turn for their chance to possibly get rich from her demise. I have a lot to say about what is happening to her and I am not a fan of her music. I believe that her ex-husband is trying to ruin Brittany's life and get custody of the children for monetary gain. I look at this man as an opportunist who has used this girl to build his career as well as put money in his pocket at her expense. I am an ex-offender who was involved in every kind of con there is so believe me when I say that when you deal with a snake you must be willing to fight with every thing you have or you little lady will lose your kids, your self respect, and what he wants anyway, your money. Brittany I hope this post finds you in time to encourage you to fight for your life. If I were you I would ask myself ,what do people in my life really want from me? Your life is not over, you are a talented, beautiful and loving person. You strike me as a woman who would give the shirt off her back, but in order to began the fight needed to get back on top you have to separate yourself from people who are only with you to ride on your gravy train. The drugs are playing a big part of your problem and there are people in your camp that can't continue to steal you blind if your life is together. Brittany, now is the time to regroup and isolate yourself from the ticks that are sucking the life right out of your career, your life, and your future. I myself have been dealt a hand that has kept me from supporting my family and myself. I am now trying to regroup and change everything about me. It is not easy because there are plenty of people who are just waiting for me to fall. Brittany you are a bright, talented and beautiful person, one of Gods children so don't allow man to destroy the woman you are and the woman you have always wanted to be. It is time to fight back with a vigilance and stop letting the press, your husband, or your friends destroy your destiny. This is the best advise that I an ex- offender can give to you. I will be watching and occasionally I will write a post to let you know how you are doing. Don't put your faith in man go off by yourself and have a serious talk with God.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Eye Opener

I met lots of people in the rooms who all had the same thing in common, staying clean and serene. I remembered my days in the military and the reason I could not allow myself to get close to anyone. I knew if something happen to someone I became attached to as a result of serving my country the pain would be too great and could possibly hinder my job and efforts to stay alive. I mentioned this because I made friends with a person from the rooms and we became pretty close . I got a call one night from the mom of my friend asking if I could talk to her son. I ask him what was going on and what could I do to help. My friend explained that he had gone back out and started using again. I felt a discomfort come over me because I had at that moment flashbacks of the days when I was using. We talked for a minute before his mom was back on the phone asking if I could do something to help because her son really respected me. I told my wife and we drove that night to their house. My friend and I talked for a while and my wife, myself and his mom tried group intervention. I watched and listened as my friend told me and my wife that we were not wanted or needed. I watched his mom fall apart because of the love in her heart for her son. We sat there until my friend told me that my wife and I were prolonging his get high time and his opportunity to take his mom's purse like many times before. I responded that we were not leaving and he would not take another dime from his mother. My friend got so mad that he attack me and tried to harm me until it hit him that we were there trying to save his life. He ran out the door, took his mom's car and a few days later was arrested. He is now facing 18 months plus other charges possibly giving him more time behind bars. I guess my eyes were really open to the affects of drugs that night and it showed me what will happen if I ever go back to using again. I had to watch a man plead for money from his mom to get the monkey off his back. I watched a proud man allow drugs to strip him of his dignity and self respect. I watched my friend choose drugs over what we had discussed as possibilities for our futures. Those of you out there who thinks this drug thing is a game, well, you better get ready for a serious wake up call. My friend in a way I am glad that God chose to take you off the streets before you killed someone or someone killed you. I just hope that your life becomes everything you want it to be. I will be praying for you.

Friday, September 28, 2007

The Art Of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is not one of the most easy things to do or expect someone else to do. Our past has a way of reminding us of the mess we made, it seems that people love to remember the bad things and not the good things about us. I look at forgiveness as a way to help me continue to build and strengthen myself. I look at forgiveness as a way of releasing unnecessary anger, hate, and rage which can only hold me back from growing into a better person. When people have a problem forgiving you don't get discourage, don't give them the comfort of seeing you respond in a negative manner. What they don't realize is that in order for you to approach them you had to go through the same process they now need to forgive you. I realize that the ones who cry "Lord,Lord" are simply fooling themselves. Why expect God to forgive you for your mistakes if you can't forgive your neighbor. I believe that today is as good a day to practice what I preach. I want the lady who has been writting me in anger to know that I am truly sorry if I have known you in the past and caused you any hardship. I want you to know that my life has not always been that of a good person. I am sure that along the way I stepped on lots of people and they stepped on me. I have made a tremendous amount of mistakes that I am trying extremely hard to change. I hope you can forgive me whoever you are. I also hope that God blesses you with lots of happiness and joy. I may never see you but I want you to know that lessens can be taught by anyone at any time. Thank you and may god pour out his blessings on you .
Not such a bad person anymore, Ron Eddings

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Walking Or Talking

There are some that talk the talk
There are some that walk the walk
Those who talk the talk
can't walk the walk
Because they are too busy talking.
I will bet that when you look at your own life
you realize that you don't have any room
to look at someone Else's.
Sometimes we are idiots and don't even realize it.

Monday, September 24, 2007

The Recovery Question

I have gone to the rooms of recovery now for a little while and I get a little frustrated at the old timers who have a few years of clean time under their belt. I don't mean to lessen their recovery by any means, I commend them all on what they have accomplished. My concern is their attitude of indifference towards any approach to talk about the way a person got clean other than N.A. I myself got off drugs by asking God to save my life, he answered my prayers and removed the desire to stop using. I mentioned this in a meeting and I received an immediate response from an old timer. He said this is not a religious program so don't get it twisted. My response to that remark is, you're right, it's not a religious program, However! it is a spiritual program and God is mentioned so much in the books it will make your head spend. I sit in those rooms and I hear the concerns of people with two to ten years clean. They wonder why their life has not blossomed into something more. Why are they still having relationship problems and why they still have the need to get high. I have even heard old timers who don't want me to get it twisted say, why has my life not been blessed? The answer is simple, The program is based on spiritual principles and the steps are set up for each person to be prepared for the twelveth step, the spiritual awakening. At that step is when you have truly turned your will and your life over to God. If you reach this awakening you become a person who is clean and serene. Your life as you understand it will began to evolve. Relationships will grow, opportunities began to knock. Life as you have known it will no longer exist and the new life you were doing the steps for will start to come to form. For all you recovering addicts and alcoholics maybe , just maybe the newcomer who got saved in church and smiles everyday and shares how they believe that they can conquer the world knows something we don't. I believe they have gotten the eleventh step before they ever set foot in those rooms and God is using the other eleven steps as a tool to keep them clean and serene. So I ask the question, who's got it twisted, the newcomer or you. It seems to me that the old timers are not happy because they are clean but they are not experiencing real recovery, the spiritual awakening. Maybe the true higher power of their choice is the one sitting next to them and not God.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

I Am Sorry Lord

I was listening to the news and I heard that the town of Gastonia was trying to get rid of God . I then heard that another town wanted to remove God from the Lords prayer when it was read during city council meetings. I became very disturbed by this and I began to wonder why someone would, first allow that to happen and, second want it to happen in the first place. It got me to thinking back to when I was a kid and the picture of Jesus hanging on the wall at my grandmothers house. I grew up in the sixties and seventies so in those days racism was prevalent. I always wondered why that picture look nothing like me or anyone in my family. I use to shy away from whites because that picture that represented the almighty was the same color as they were. It was much later in life that I read revelations and realized that the almighty was more like me than I thought and I quote" His head and hair were white like wool,as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. His feet were bronze glowing like in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing water"rev 1,14&15. When I read this I felt a peace come over me like you never felt. I realized right then that man went through a lot of trouble to make a race of people look and fill inferior. I hope you don't think that someone willing to do that to make themselves look great and own the world would not hesitate to take prayer out of schools, take God out of the lords prayer, or even get rid of prayer in public places. My friends you are fighting a spiritual war and believe me when I say that God is watching our every move. If you don't believe what I've said stay tune, more will be revealed. Our world is falling apart and laws are being past everyday that gets rid of the Lord Our God. It is ironic that we just so happen to live in the bible belt where organizations like the Southern Babtist convention and other agencies like them have become obsessed with power and prestigue but have forgotten the reasons they were placed in positions of leadership. We say we are christians but we would rather be showered with gold now instead of later.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Good-Bye, My Love

This is to say bye, I'm through getting high.
You controlled my behavior,
I thought you were my savior.
I became addicted to you,
I thought you were cool.
Anywhere you took me, I wen,
Everything I had, I spent.
I cared for no one but you,
whatever you said, I would do.
You were the love of my life,
yet you cause me only strife.
You took me near dead,
you put me in everyones bed.
You were my lord,
I was your whore.
So, good-bye addiction,
you're no longer my infliction.
In me you shall stay, but
I will fight you every day.
To you I just say so long,
with you I never belonged.
I want hope,
you gave me dope.

Written by: Kathy McWilliams
Age: 45
Used for 33 years
I was near dead when I found the program.
I have been clean for 66 days.

Congraulations, you are a blessing.
Thank you for allowing me to post this on my site
Keep writting,
Ron Eddings

Sunday, March 25, 2007

All For Love

I recently talked to a lady who was concerned about her brother, this concern was out of the love she felt in her heart. She explained to me that her brother had a problem with drugs and alcohol and it broke her heart to see him this way. As she was talking to me I could feel her pain and i knew her heart was dying inside for him. Her name is Sheila and what I am about to write is for her. When I was in active addiction I treated my wife like shit; I used her as an excuse to go out and get high. When i was broke I used her for cigarettes, beer and anything else she would give me to satisfy my addition. I knew that her love for me could be manipulated to get whatever Iwanted. One day i went home after being gone from home for four days to find an empty house. I sat on her side of the bed because I realized that my one true friend was no longer around. I looked down and saw a prayer box, I picked it up and poured the contents on the bed. I begin to read the prayers from that box and my heart fell apart. Every prayer was to God asking him to save my life. I realized at that moment that I had hurt one of the best people that I have ever had in my life. Sheila sometimes we have to step away from the ones we love in order to save ourselves. When you step away they will realize just how special you really are.
Sheila keep your head up and begin the process of changing and loving yourself. One day your brother will reach for you and you will not be there. Thank you for allowing me a chance to share with you. May God bless you and create the beautiful life you deserve.
Your friend,

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Pursuit of Happiness

I went to the movies today and saw pursuit of happiness. I was moved by this movie to the point that I felt the need to write this little piece.
We all have some sort of cross to bear in our life but how we deal with our burdens usually affects the outcome of how our life goes. I for one have had a time trying to get my life in order sense coming out of prison. I have suffered some major setbacks and I have had to watch my wife become the bread winner as I struggled for my life.
The movie taught me a brave lesson that I will began to take very seriously. I pledge to fight for my life, to take chances and go after my dream no matter how many let downs I encounter. We have not just an obligation to our children to allow them the opportunity to enjoy life but we have a obligation to ourselves to live as best we can with what we have at our disposal. I challenge each reader to start today as I have to explore your full potential and take disappointment in stride because one day there will be light at the end of the tunnel. God bless you all and remember to never stop loving yourself. When it looks like the fight is over is when the fight begins.
See You,
Ron Eddings