Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Brittany Spears, Its Time To Fight For Your Life

I have watched the events unfold the last few months about Brittany Spears and her battle with her ex husband for custody of her children. I have watched as the media portray Brittany as a superstar gone bad and the relentless assault on her character and ability to be a good mom. I have watched as people in her life betray her at every turn for their chance to possibly get rich from her demise. I have a lot to say about what is happening to her and I am not a fan of her music. I believe that her ex-husband is trying to ruin Brittany's life and get custody of the children for monetary gain. I look at this man as an opportunist who has used this girl to build his career as well as put money in his pocket at her expense. I am an ex-offender who was involved in every kind of con there is so believe me when I say that when you deal with a snake you must be willing to fight with every thing you have or you little lady will lose your kids, your self respect, and what he wants anyway, your money. Brittany I hope this post finds you in time to encourage you to fight for your life. If I were you I would ask myself ,what do people in my life really want from me? Your life is not over, you are a talented, beautiful and loving person. You strike me as a woman who would give the shirt off her back, but in order to began the fight needed to get back on top you have to separate yourself from people who are only with you to ride on your gravy train. The drugs are playing a big part of your problem and there are people in your camp that can't continue to steal you blind if your life is together. Brittany, now is the time to regroup and isolate yourself from the ticks that are sucking the life right out of your career, your life, and your future. I myself have been dealt a hand that has kept me from supporting my family and myself. I am now trying to regroup and change everything about me. It is not easy because there are plenty of people who are just waiting for me to fall. Brittany you are a bright, talented and beautiful person, one of Gods children so don't allow man to destroy the woman you are and the woman you have always wanted to be. It is time to fight back with a vigilance and stop letting the press, your husband, or your friends destroy your destiny. This is the best advise that I an ex- offender can give to you. I will be watching and occasionally I will write a post to let you know how you are doing. Don't put your faith in man go off by yourself and have a serious talk with God.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Eye Opener

I met lots of people in the rooms who all had the same thing in common, staying clean and serene. I remembered my days in the military and the reason I could not allow myself to get close to anyone. I knew if something happen to someone I became attached to as a result of serving my country the pain would be too great and could possibly hinder my job and efforts to stay alive. I mentioned this because I made friends with a person from the rooms and we became pretty close . I got a call one night from the mom of my friend asking if I could talk to her son. I ask him what was going on and what could I do to help. My friend explained that he had gone back out and started using again. I felt a discomfort come over me because I had at that moment flashbacks of the days when I was using. We talked for a minute before his mom was back on the phone asking if I could do something to help because her son really respected me. I told my wife and we drove that night to their house. My friend and I talked for a while and my wife, myself and his mom tried group intervention. I watched and listened as my friend told me and my wife that we were not wanted or needed. I watched his mom fall apart because of the love in her heart for her son. We sat there until my friend told me that my wife and I were prolonging his get high time and his opportunity to take his mom's purse like many times before. I responded that we were not leaving and he would not take another dime from his mother. My friend got so mad that he attack me and tried to harm me until it hit him that we were there trying to save his life. He ran out the door, took his mom's car and a few days later was arrested. He is now facing 18 months plus other charges possibly giving him more time behind bars. I guess my eyes were really open to the affects of drugs that night and it showed me what will happen if I ever go back to using again. I had to watch a man plead for money from his mom to get the monkey off his back. I watched a proud man allow drugs to strip him of his dignity and self respect. I watched my friend choose drugs over what we had discussed as possibilities for our futures. Those of you out there who thinks this drug thing is a game, well, you better get ready for a serious wake up call. My friend in a way I am glad that God chose to take you off the streets before you killed someone or someone killed you. I just hope that your life becomes everything you want it to be. I will be praying for you.