Saturday, September 22, 2007

I Am Sorry Lord

I was listening to the news and I heard that the town of Gastonia was trying to get rid of God . I then heard that another town wanted to remove God from the Lords prayer when it was read during city council meetings. I became very disturbed by this and I began to wonder why someone would, first allow that to happen and, second want it to happen in the first place. It got me to thinking back to when I was a kid and the picture of Jesus hanging on the wall at my grandmothers house. I grew up in the sixties and seventies so in those days racism was prevalent. I always wondered why that picture look nothing like me or anyone in my family. I use to shy away from whites because that picture that represented the almighty was the same color as they were. It was much later in life that I read revelations and realized that the almighty was more like me than I thought and I quote" His head and hair were white like wool,as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. His feet were bronze glowing like in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing water"rev 1,14&15. When I read this I felt a peace come over me like you never felt. I realized right then that man went through a lot of trouble to make a race of people look and fill inferior. I hope you don't think that someone willing to do that to make themselves look great and own the world would not hesitate to take prayer out of schools, take God out of the lords prayer, or even get rid of prayer in public places. My friends you are fighting a spiritual war and believe me when I say that God is watching our every move. If you don't believe what I've said stay tune, more will be revealed. Our world is falling apart and laws are being past everyday that gets rid of the Lord Our God. It is ironic that we just so happen to live in the bible belt where organizations like the Southern Babtist convention and other agencies like them have become obsessed with power and prestigue but have forgotten the reasons they were placed in positions of leadership. We say we are christians but we would rather be showered with gold now instead of later.

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