Monday, July 18, 2005

Story For Robbie

I listen to a story of a young man from Florida who had gotten caught up in life's web of obstacles and challenges. I immediately thought about me at the age of twenty-one trying to find my way and allowing outside interferences to poison my mind. I was a good kid, an athlete who had proved that I could play with the best of them. I began to experiment with different drugs, drinking, girls and I found myself falling into this trap. It happen so quickly that before I knew it I was hustling to take care of my habit. I became good at it, I found myself on top of the game, women, clothes, jewerly, cars, everything the rap stars and athletes brag about. I was the king of my domain surrounded by my peers who I thought admired and loved me. Life has a way of smacking you in the face with reality. You see, I ended up spending the rest of my twenties and most of my thirties behind bars. I lost everything and as I sat in those prisons I realized that my so call friends had forgotten about me . The ones who help my spend my money at the clubs, the women who call me special had moved on to my best friend or other dealers still in the game. On Sunday when other inmates were getting ready to visit with their families I sat there knowing that nobody was coming to see me. I had know choice but to realize that I had to fight for my life, regain the person I was before all of this deceit. I got on my knees and prayed to my father in heaven to restore my life back to sanity. As for my friends, well some are in prison, some are dead. I went back to school and started a motivational speaking business. Life could not be better but I had to accept defeat and realize that it was time for a change. Oh! By the way my family who I thought was ragging me about changing my life was right there with open arms to not only congratulate me in my change but to help me along the way. I could not have done it without them. Robbie if you are reading this I believe you know what I am saying. It's now time to rise up and take back your life. I'm out! Ron Eddings

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