Tuesday, May 24, 2005

This is me . . .

Ron Eddings' life is a story of tremendous struggle, tragedy, perserverance, self-discovery and triumph. His life spans one of the most tumultuous, contentious periods in American history and sheds insight on a number of larger social, cultural, and racial issues. Born in Asheville, North Carolina, Ron developed into a star athlete in the shadows of poverty, discrimination and domestic abuse. He was awarded a baseball scholarship to Howard University, but subsequently lost it due to a knee injury. After returning to Asheville, his life took a number of twists and turns that eventually led to his involvement in drug and gang activity. After spending eight and a half years in and out of some of the roughest prisons in North Carolina, Ron decided that he had to change his life, and recover the warm, intelligent, courageous person he had left behind along the way. After being released from prison, Ron began telling his story in a number of venues including churches, schools, prisons, and social events. Currently, Ron is the Student Government Association President at Catawba Valley Community College, has garnered a number of academic and service awards, and works with a single-minded and determined passion to reach out to others, to educate them about the dangers of drugs and the horrors of prison life, to encourage them to enthusiastically embrace life's challenges, and to help those who have fallen into despair. Ron derives great pleasure from connecting with his audiences, and uses both incisive straight talk and infectious humor to deliver his message of hope and unity.

More later . . .


Anonymous said...


I am glad to see you are blogga bliggy bliggy bliggity blogging, blo.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ron! I donot want to give away my true identity because you DO know me! i go to CVCC. Anyways you have inspired me to go to great lenths to stop my addiction to Mari J!I havent smoked in 4 weeks! Go me! I just wanted to tell you that you have done a lot for me and i will love you forever because of it. And you are HOT!!!!!!! :)

Has Anybody ever told you.. you look like Denzel ;)

Anonymous said...

Denzel!!! Denzel!!! Ron, you look like a cross between Lawrence Fishburne & Lionel Richie . . . wait, no, more like Denzel.

Anonymous said...

Ron what advice can you offer a wife who's husband is addicted to the point he is killing himself and his family? How can I reach out to him? I love him and do not want to loose him. Please help me help him.

Anonymous said...

How can you help someone who does not want to help themselves or who does not know how to help themselves? How can you show them that they matter? Help me please.

Anonymous said...

I am a mother who's husband is an addict. read about something called triggers, how do I know how to find what his are before it's to late? Any advice would be appreciated.

Anonymous said...

I am a mother who's husband is an addict. read about something called triggers, how do I know how to find what his are before it's to late? Any advice would be appreciated.