Wednesday, August 03, 2005


People who are involved in recovery have a saying,"one day at a time" and they live by this logic, this reasoning. They know that at any time, at any given moment their lives can be turned upside down and the results can become devastating. I call this change "slippage" and at some point in our recovery life we addicts have experience slippage,some never to recover. It took me a while and several falls to realize that I was going through this slippage.I finally realized that I was in a fight for my life and the key to overcoming slippage is to realize that you slipped and immediately start the process of recovery. It would be easy to lay down and give up, sit on the pity pot and expect others to run to your rescue, but you are fighting for your life and if you stop fighting why should anyone fight your battles. I have to remember the recovery philosophy,"One DAY AT A TIME". I have come to realize that my life is worth too much to give up now. I hope that if you are out there experiencing slippage that you are smart enough and brave enough to continue to fight for what God intended for you to have. Your Life!

Slippage---- A time when an addicted person results back to the temptations of this world and the effects become devastating to everyone around you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You sound like someone who truley cares about what people are going through what words can you give to someone who is on the opposite end of the stick? Please reply.