Monday, July 10, 2006

Drugs and my mother

It took her heart, it took her soul ,it took her mind it took control. It gave her a push, it gave her a shove, it got her high and took her love.She did some good, she did some bad, but what she did has made me sad. She killed someone has been busted for crack. she's been to jail and keeps going back. I've been there and seen, I know a whole lot.I know about crack, cocaine and pot.It's not all that it's not like they say, They just want her money, they took her away. I love my mom more than she thinks. The more she does crack the more she sinks. She sinking into death, her ways are not good. She's with the wrong crowd, her friends in the hood. I wish i could do something with all this stuff. I wish I could say something that would make her stop. I don't want to ignore her or maybe I should, then she'll understand what I thought she understood. I love my mom and I always will, no matter what she does, I'll love her still. Written by, Crystal Ruth at the age of fifteen.

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