Saturday, November 26, 2005

Why Should Anyone Take Us Serious?

We wonder why our race is not taken seriously, or why sunami victims half way across the world received aid before our own people. We cry foul when we get the shaft but only when we get the shaft. We are not taken serious because we have know power. We have know power because we not only have the crab in a basket syndrome, we have settled for the stinking attitude that everybody owe us something, therefore we will take whats rightfully ours. The truth of the matter is nobody takes us serious because we can't hurt them at the poles where it counts. We have over one million african americans, men and women in prison, on probation are involved in the criminal justice system in one form or another.One million votes that cannot be counted, one million voices that cannot be heard. We were treated unfairly after katrina hit because our politicians know that we don't have the votes to make a difference during election time. Our priority should start with helping our youth to become successful. We need to teach our kids about the value of human life and school them on their heritage and why so many proud ancestors fought for what we have today in this world, this life. We need to introduce our children to God and the bible and let them read the stories of famous people of color. Most of all we need to help our kids to understand our history and maybe then will they realize how proud we should be as people and why it's important to fight for what's rightfully ours.If we want to be taken serious maybe it's time we find out why and stop being other people's reasons or excuses.Our power comes not in fighting each other but in voting at the poles. Our strength will only come in numbers, our power will build through education. If we are to be taken serious then we need to get serious.


Anonymous said...

Wow-that was really deep Ron. One question--when are you going to teach and take care of your own children? Who has been there for them? Who can you judge - but yourself.

Anonymous said...

It is readers like the one who wrote in that sound so stupid. Keep writting Ron, I believe that you are starting to get people's attention. They can bash you all they want but just remember you must be hitting a nerve and they can't take it. I will continue to read your site and I am glad we have warriors like you.